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Autor: Sascha Bachmann

HAND – Album Teaser #3

Hallo liebe Leute,

ich weiß nicht ob ich es schon erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite an einem Album. Die Tracks sind fertig, noch ungemastert und ich arbeite noch an  Video´s zu den Tracks. Hier ein kleines Update!

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Fun Clip Snarehead breaks

Dear friends,

I swear. since I started to play the drums I only broke one single drum head and that was 25 years ago. It was the day when I tried to figure out how far I can go with a bass drum. From then on a part of me was always aware of the fact that it will happen again and of course it did while I got filmed playing live infront of a big audience. Well, if it did’t get filmed I wouldn’t have a video of it…

Fortunately the drummer of the other band helped me out by giving me his snare head. So I was able to play the Eisblume show.


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