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my private drum library ☜

I just opened my private drum library for you! Stay tuned for updates! ☜


Why now? What took me so long to do this? As long as I can remember I am playing with bands. This means, play for the song! That has always been my strongest motivation. Play for the song and do the best you possibly can! Do your homework, always be prepared and listen to the right records… Believe me I did!

But there was something inside of me that let me feel my work as a drummer was not valued as much as I wanted it. I was always asking myself, what is a singer thinking about the drummer? Is the drummer supposed to be somebody who is supporting him/her (on different levels)? But what if the Band is not making any progress, but you are just brimful of energy?

The more I think about this the more I come to my decision to put my “babies” out there. Addressed to everybody who is interested in making good music. This is where I’d like to but my beats. I just looked through all my drum recordings on my computer and put all the beats I found in the appropriate folder. On a regular basis I’d like to update them on Soundcloud and also add new stuff.

Always be yourself!

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