I had such a great start with my tape loop music. It couldn´t have been any better!
As one of 10 Artists I got the chance to play my music at the “saddest music of the world contest”, which was organized and hosted by Joanna Gemma Auguri.
Round about 200 People filled the “Roter Salon” and came with open ears and eyes…so that the magic could happen. I was on stage during the 2nd set of the evening and after a lovely announcement by the charming Miss Auguri.
It was very quiet, all eyes were on me while I was starting my Loop 4 (https://soundcloud.com/saschabachmanndrums/loop-04?in=saschabachmanndrums/sets/hand).
Booom, it was so good to let the audience hear my music!
After a big applause I left the stage and made space for the next artists.
I didn’t win the contest but I won a lot!
Listen full tape loop music here: https://soundcloud.com/saschabachmanndrums/sets/hand